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In this class we will learn how to move all of the pieces, explore checkmating strategies and patterns, study opening principles, and drawing techniques. Each week we will dive into a lesson, followed by guided play to help reinforce the material covered in class. Returning students will be introduced to tactical ideas (pins, forks, discover attack, removing the defender, x-rays) and middlegame planning. At the end of the semester prizes will be awarded to each student to showcase their individual growth. 

  • All Students will be provided with a basic ChessKid Account

  • The semester will run for 11 weeks on Wednesdays from 3:45-4:35

Dates: December 11th - March 12th (No Class: December 25th; January 1st; February 19th)

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In this class we will learn how to move all of the pieces, explore checkmating strategies and patterns, study opening principles, and drawing techniques. Each week we will dive into a lesson, followed by guided play to help reinforce the material covered in class. Returning students will be introduced to tactical ideas (pins, forks, discover attack, removing the defender, x-rays) and middlegame planning. At the end of the semester prizes will be awarded to each student to showcase their individual growth. 

  • All Students will be provided with a basic ChessKid Account

  • The semester will run for 11 weeks on Wednesdays from 3:45-4:35

Dates: December 11th - March 12th (No Class: December 25th; January 1st; February 19th)

In this class we will learn how to move all of the pieces, explore checkmating strategies and patterns, study opening principles, and drawing techniques. Each week we will dive into a lesson, followed by guided play to help reinforce the material covered in class. Returning students will be introduced to tactical ideas (pins, forks, discover attack, removing the defender, x-rays) and middlegame planning. At the end of the semester prizes will be awarded to each student to showcase their individual growth. 

  • All Students will be provided with a basic ChessKid Account

  • The semester will run for 11 weeks on Wednesdays from 3:45-4:35

Dates: December 11th - March 12th (No Class: December 25th; January 1st; February 19th)